Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally, an episode of Chingrish

This has been a long time coming. It won't be the last entry I do about funny signs in Asia, that's for sure. Most everyone knows, or at least has heard of, the suspicious translations to be found in Asia, so here I am to show you some of the gems I've come across!

Now, let it be said that its almost never actually a challenge to understand what the signs are saying. And sometimes, there isn't even any major mistakes, but it still just feels off. The one above isn't so bad; the next one is grammatically accurate but still just strange, though possibly just due to what this park thought constituted a location of interest.

Questions about what Mammon ruins are, exactly, aside, I really like the bottom half. Hey, if it worked for Mr. Sun Yat-sen and his wife, it should work for us, too, right? Go take some pictures! (They had some official photographers there who'd snap a pic for a small fee, naturally).

Both this picture and the previous one are in Guilin; the one that was sufficient for Mr. Sun Yat-sen and his wife was in an old town area, whereas this was in a large park area. And who doesn't like a Bactrian Camel scene?

For what its worth, the translation here bears little similarity with the original Chinese. It should, naturally, read something more like "the path up the mountain is steep, please be cautious", but instead it became a piece of performance art.

I know this picture is a bit small, but if you can enlarge it and read the English on this, its a thing of beauty. Mary plane crash and car crashes. Gotta love it. The next, and last one for this post, is my absolute favorite bad translation of all time:

This was taken in the downstairs of my apartment building. Basically, the story is that someone was defacing some of the property around the apartment complex and the administration was pissed off, threatening to fine them 2000RMB if they were caught. This, I think, is truly one for the ages.

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